
Do you have chronic joint pain which is hampering your daily activity?  

Want to know the reason and right time to consult a medical practitioner?

It may be a case of Osteoarthritis. 



Osteoarthritis (O.A.) is the most common type of arthritis, mainly affecting the aged people of our society, although it can occur in adults of any age. It affects both sexes, but women are more prone to this. In about 40% of cases, Knee joints get commonly affected. Other joints which also get affected are the hip, neck, lower back, toes and thumb. It is estimated that about 10% to 15% of all adults aged over 60years have some degree of O.A.

“”Osteoarthritis is a long-term chronic disease characterized by the deterioration of the cartilage in joints which results in bones rubbing together and creating stiffness, pain, and impaired movement””. ~ W.H.O.

O.A. now is the most leading cause of disability for senior citizens. Overstress and strain on the weight-bearing joint causes tearing of articular cartilage (a pad or cushion between joints) cause O.A. Another major precipitating factor is Obesity, which aggravates the condition. In addition to the same Joint deformity, history of injury and hereditary involvement may also play a role.

Symptoms of O.A.:

  1. The most common symptom is a pain because cartilage is torn, which causes erosion between joints hindering movements, especially after awakening or following motion.
  2. Stiffness and loss of joint flexibility.
  3. Joint Crepitus (cracking sound): Some time a sound heard from the joint during movement.
  4. Osteophyte (extra bony outgrowth): Seen around the affected area. Mostly found in an X-Ray. 
  5. Tenderness and redness of the affected joints. 
  6. Muscles become weak, and deformity may result. 

Risk factors of OA:

  1. Old age: risk increases with the increase of age.
  2. Gender: Post-menopausal females are most vulnerable.
  3. Obesity: Causes extra burden on joints, e.g. hip, knee, ankle etc. So it is good to keep an eye on weight.
  4. Trauma/injury: Athletes or the person heavily exercises exerts extra pressure on respective joints, eventually develops OA.
  5. Diabetes: Secondary OA can be sequelae of diabetes 


Early identification and diagnosis of the case with appropriate lifestyle modification and therapy can be of great resort. Since this is a chronic progressive disease, most of us remain negligent initially and seek medical attention only at an advanced stage of the disease. Thus the prognosis also becomes limited. 

O.A. can be diagnosed primarily by physical examination and confirmed by X-Ray, M.R.I. scan and arthroscopy of the affected joint. Some blood tests may become necessary to rule out other medical conditions of having pain in joints such as Rheumatoid Arthritis, Gout E.T.C.

What to do?

Though the preventive and modifiable factors such as exercise, healthy diet, weight management and reduction of occupational injuries can reduce the faster progress of the disease, many risk factors such as age, gender and genetics are not modifiable. 

Why Homeopathy?

Homoeopathy is of great help in comparison to other therapeutic modes available. However, the treatment outcome depends on the stage of the progression of the disease and the individual patient. The result of the treatment also depends on how well the patient follows the doctor’s advice regarding medicine, lifestyle changes, food habits etc. 

Commonly used homoeopathic medicine for O.A. is Arnica Mont, Rhus Tox, Causticum, Dulcamara, Ruta G, Calc-Carb, Ledum-Pal, Aconite, Bryonia, etc. 

In Homeopathy, the selection of appropriate medication depends on the constitution of the patient and the presenting symptomatology. However, the prognosis and the results depend on various factors, including the stage of the disease advancement. 

Reaching the doctor at the right time might help you with a better prognosis. So, why wait? Get a consultation with a qualified and experienced Homeopath today from the comfort of your home through Let’s Homeopathy. We will deliver the medicines to your doorstep too!