Male Sexual Disorders

Men’s sexual health is still seen as a taboo in our society and lots of people helplessly suffer due to anxiety, shame, hesitation etc. to visit a doctor. Some patients do not even consider the appropriate solutions available but they try some form of self-medication and resultantly make the case worse. Finally, they become depressed and which leads to various psycho-sexual symptomatology affecting his personal and family life. And this vicious cycle continues.

These are the dysfunction which is experienced by male and disturbs the sexual life. It commonly affects males of the older age group. There may be the association of systemic illness along with it. Treating the underlying cause cures the ailment.

The following are the most common variety of male sexual dysfunction

  • Benign Hypertrophy of Prostate
  • Impotence
  • Nocturnal Pollution
  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Prostatitis


Male Sexual Disorders can be broadly classified as follows
  • Disorders of desire: Hypoactive sexual desire, Compulsive sexual behaviours
  • Incomplete erection i.e. flaccid penis during sexual intercourse
  • ED- Erectile dysfunction means difficulty to sustain/ get an erection.
  • Premature ejaculation means reaching orgasm too quickly.
  • Postejaculation pain & Priapism (primary or secondary)
  • Delayed or failure of ejaculation and Orgasmic dysfunction.

Why these happens?

There may be numerous reasons behind a sexual disfunction and a scientific approach is necessary to reach to the actual cause of the problem and to reach a solution. The causes can be largely categorized in two types

Physical Causes:

  1. Poor blood testosterone levels.
  2. Neglected diabetes, some surgery or physical trauma.
  3. Excessive smoking.
  4. Alcoholism and drug abuse.
  5. Regular consumption of certain medications like antidepressants, medicines for high blood pressure
  6. High blood pressure or atherosclerosis i.e. hardening of the arterial wall.
  7. Other structural disorders leading to various sexual diseases.

Psychological Causes/ Functional Causes:

  1. Anxiety about sexual performance.
  2. Relationship issues
  3. Any type of Mental Depression or guilt feelings.
  4. Previous mental trauma of various kind.
  5. Mental Stress due to job pressure or anxiety.
Now what to do? Are there any solutions available?

The proper history taking including psychological assessment and if required certain diagnostic investigations like Measurement of reproductive hormones, Various ultrasonographic or radio-diagnostic imaging, penile tumescence (NPT) monitoring etc. may be needed to reach to the actual cause of the problem. Based on the diagnosis the appropriate therapies can show promising results.

Effectiveness of Homeopathy in Male Sexual Disorders:

Apart from any structural deformities where definite procedures are required, homeopathy plays a promising role in treatment of various Male Sexual Disorders. Followed by an appropriate medical history and diagnosis various medicines can be advocated with success. Medicines like Agnus C, Caladium, Onosmodium, Acidum Phosphoricum, Lycopodium, Selenium, Yohimbin etc can be useful on case to case basis & can show effective long-standing results. Treatment directed towards the individualization of the patient and his condition is the key to the same.

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