Common Cold in Children

The common cold is the most common illness in children. It can be caused by the infection of various viruses. But most illnesses are caused by rhinoviruses. Cold happens when a virus infects the lining of the throat and nose. Children suffer from recurrent episodes of running nose, cough, mild fever, headache, body aches and loss of appetite. Eventually, there may be a superadded bacterial infection at the secondary level and cause the mucous from the nose to become thick yellow or green. The most predisposing factor of a recurrent common cold is the susceptibility of children with poor immunity.

The repeated recurrence of cold and cough makes many children dependent on prescription medications, which is detrimental to their health in the long run. Homeopathy is a much more natural alternative that remedies the infections causing the cold and cough and prevents them from recurring.

Why cold happens? ... So frequently?

The spread of viruses can happen through various routes mainly through the air and direct contact.

Through the air – The infection can easily spread from an infected person to your child through the air. If the infected person cough or sneezes, the small amount of infective material containing the viruses, in the form of tiny mucous droplets, gets released into the air. Once your child breathes in that air, the virus will enter the body through your airway. Like COVID19, the major route of all respiratory virus, entering into the body, are through these tiny droplets. Which carry the infective material from the infected person to others. This is why the cold happens to children so easily.

By direct contact – If your child touches any surface having discharges like mucous or any other infective bodily discharges of a suffering person and eventually puts the hand in his/her mouth or nasal cavity or any mucous surfaces, the cold is easily spread to your child. It is easy for children to spread cold because they always touch their nose, mouth eye and then touch the other objects and vice-versa.

What are the symptoms?

The symptoms are well known to most parents. It can range from a few or all of the following:

  • Running nose, Sneezing
  • Watery/ crusty eyes, Stuffy nose
  • Congestion in the nose, Various types of cough
  • Sore throat, Headache
  • Chills with Mild fever
  • Tiredness with or without irritability
  • Disturbed sleep
  • Diarrhoea and vomiting can also be there

Why my kid has a frequent tendency to take cold?

This is one of the major concern. And there is no single answer to the same. The following factors are to be kept in mind.

  • There are more than 200+ viruses that cause cold and available in plenty in the environment.
  • Small children have more tendency, approx. 8-10 times a year because their immunity level has not fully developed.
  • As mentioned earlier Children tend to touch and put in his/her mouth various objects, which might have got infected by a suffering person. Objects like: mobile gadgets, pens, remotes, computer accessories, handles and nobs, coins etc. can serve as the commonest and potential carriers of common cold viruses. Hence we should make it a habit of keeping those surfaces regularly sanitized or out of reach of our children.
  • Repeated/ over-prescription of unnecessary antibiotics can leave the lung vulnerable to flu viruses, leading to significantly worsen infections and symptoms- find a new study. Antibiotics are prescribed to treat bacterial infections. Hence it should be remembered that antibiotics cannot treat viral infections, such as the common cold or influenza. Rather it may weaken the protective power immune system and its ability to fight against infection. It may give rise to antibiotic resistance or increased bacterial resistance as well. Thus the poor immune system increases children’s tendency to frequent attacks of cold. And creates a vicious cycle of repeated infections again and again.

How can Homeopathy help?

Well prescribed Homoeopathic medicines are safe for your child and it has no side effects. Homoeopathic medicines are well known to be safe and proven for helping millions of children to boost the natural disease-preventing power of the body by building up the immunity level of the patient. If the medications are selected by considering the individualized history and symptomatology of the children with careful consideration of the family history, in due course of time the frequency, severity and the vastness of the symptoms come down. It is not that one will never get cold in his life, but the suffering and the tendency gets rectified. Out of thousands of homoeopathic medicines, the frequently prescribed ones are Arsenicum album, Aconite, Belladonna, Rhus Toxicodendron, Alium Cepa, Euphrasia, Dulcamara, Pulsatilla, Natrum Muriaticum, Gelsemium, Ferrum Phosphoricum, Kali Bichromicum etc.

However, self-prescription can prove to be harmful and parents are not encouraged to self-prescribe any of the Homeopathic medications without consulting a properly qualified doctor from a recognized university.

So, why wait? Get a consultation with a qualified and experienced Homeopath today from the comfort of your home through our platform. We will deliver the medicines to your door-step too!