Chronic Urticaria

Are you suffering from Urticaria? 

Urticaria/ Hives is a primary manifestation of an allergic reaction on the skin characterized by reddish, elevated transient swellings of the skin with itching or burning. It is widespread, and at times it becomes challenging to treat. The triggering factor behind the condition is challenging to identify. A few known triggering factors can be some specific class of food items like- seafood (Fish, Prawn, Crabs, etc.), various Milk and Products like – Cheese, Nuts, Cheddar cheese or Eggs, Chocolates, some medications/drugs, etc. In some cases, extreme heat or cold, dust, fungal infection, Insect bites, Bacterial infection, Worms etc., also play as causative factors. At times, various autoimmune conditions, unidentified malignancies, anxiety and stress also precipitate the disease. However, in lots of patients with chronic idiopathic Urticaria [CIU], no identifiable triggers are found.

What are the symptoms of Urticaria?

In Urticaria, itchy reddish bumps/wheels are seen on the surface of the skin. Followed by severe itching, a burning sensation like bee-stings or mosquito bites is also common.

Once the case becomes long-lasting, it creates a significant impact on the person’s psychological well-being and causes depression, mental irritation, social distancing and inattentive nature, etc.

The affected area becomes reddish, and raised wheals of different sizes are seen in various parts of the body. These lesions vary in sizes. The intensity depends on the release of histamine in blood by the immune system in the reaction to precipitating factors. Histamine, primarily released from the Mast Cells, causes angioedema and causes temporary swelling and wheals.

What are the types of Urticaria or Allergic Skin diseases?

  1. Chronic urticaria-when the Urticaria keeps on recurring for more than six weeks, they may be called a chronic form of Urticaria.
  2. Idiopathic/autoimmune Urticaria– these are the urticarial rashes where there is no directly attributable cause or triggering factors are found. However, there may be certain offenders like:
  3. Urticaria due to allergens: Animal protein, Seafoods, Latex, Pollen, Mosquito, Caterpillars, Garlic, Onions etc
  4. Medications: (NSAIDs, opioids, ACE inhibitors, Aspirin etc.), narcotics, alcohol etc
  5. Cholinergic: Here, the trigger is heavy physical work or hot water bath/spa etc. Heat causes the appearance of small itchy bumps which disappear on their own.
  6. Dermatographism: This is the impression on the skin due to any object in contact or via blunt injury.
  7. Stress: An increase in mental pressure at work or emotional turmoil can also precipitate.
  8. Giant Urticaria: At times, due to excessive reaction, the Urticarial rashes cause swelling of eyelids, hands, feet, genitalia and also the mucosal layer of the Respiratory System. This violent form of angioedema obstructs the windpipe causing breathing distress. This type of urticarial reaction can become life-threatening and requires urgent medical attention and or immediate hospitalization when experiencing.
  9. Others: Recurrent Cutaneous Eosinophilic Vasculitis can also present as typical Urticarial rashes. Most urticarias are idiopathic and can affect any part of the body. Clusters of reddish raised wheals appear and disappear on their own without leaving any evidence of it. Only the scar due to violent scratching may last after the disappearance of the urticarial rashes.

What are the most common symptoms?

As mentioned earlier, urticarial conditions generally present as:

  1. Reddish raised rashes with irregular shape & size in various parts of the body. It may occur in the mucosal layer of the G.I tract or Respiratory system also.
  2. It is generally associated with severe itching.
  3. A Burning, stinging pain of the affected area
  4. Swelling of lips, eyelids, throat (angioedema)
  5. Hives appear and go away on their own.

Do any Laboratory Investigations confirms the diagnosis?

A few blood tests, including complete blood count, ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), C -reactive protein, IgE, Autologous serum skin test, Thyroid profile, may be required for evaluation of the condition. A detailed case history of the condition with onset, duration and nature of individual lesions, history of atopy, food & drugs allergy, psychological conditions including stress, any possible infection source, recent fever, pains in the joints, thyroid-related disease etc., are generally evaluated thoroughly. These pieces of information are most important to understand the case and prescribe the most suitable homoeopathic medication.

How can Homeopathy help in my condition?

Detailed information of the complete medical history with details of the physical and mental symptomatology is recorded to individualize the patient’s condition. Depending on the constitution, the doctor selects the medication suitable for the specific individual. The Homeopathic medicine system’s holistic and constitutional approach has proven most effective in autoimmune diseases.
As every case of Chronic Urticaria/ Skin allergy/Wheals/Dermatographism is different, so is each patient’s prescription, which varies in terms of the medication, potency and dosages.
The treatment, duration, and progress depend on the severity, term, presence of precipitating factors, and disease causes. Some cases may get cured as soon, but few cases take a long time to heal. Homoeopathic medicines also help you to reduce and thus get out of dependency on antihistamines and steroids.
Apis Mel, Arsenecum, Urtica Urens, Rhus Toxicodendron, Natrum Mur, and Ast are frequently used medicines. Fluviatilis, etc., depending on the medical condition and symptoms.
The primary indications of common homoeopathic medications in Chronic Urticaria are as follows. Several homoeopathic remedies should be considered if you’re experiencing hives and want to treat them innately.

Hives/ Urticarias are itchy red welts triggered by various factors, including heat, cold, exercise, alcohol, and insect bites.

Here are some remedies that can help:

– Apis Mellifica: This remedy is effective for red, inflamed hives and is accompanied by a burning or stinging sensation. The itching usually worsens at night, and the welts may be painful and tender. It can also help with hives triggered by heat or insect bites, which may cause swelling of the face, eyelids, and lips.

– Arsenic Album: This remedy may be helpful if intense burning sensations and unbearable itching accompany your hives. Scratching the welts may cause pain, and you may feel restless. The welts may be small or large in size.

– Astacus: This remedy is recommended for liver complaints and hives. The welts may appear all over your body and cause itching and stinging pain. It’s mainly indicated for chronic cases.

– Bovista: This remedy may be helpful if your hives appear specifically in the morning. The welts may cover your entire body and be quite large. The itching may worsen with slight warmth, and scratching won’t provide relief. It can also help with hives triggered by bathing.

– Chloralum: This remedy is mainly recommended for hives called dermatographic. If you get welts from scratching your skin, this remedy may help. You may feel intense irritation, itching, and stinging; the welts may be prominent and red. It can also help with hives that appear at night and get better during the day and hives triggered by alcohol intake.

– Copaiva: This remedy is beneficial for chronic hives in children. The welts may be red and spread all over the body, and the itching may be aggressive. The skin may feel dry and heated.

– Conium: This remedy may be helpful if your hives are triggered by violent bodily exercise. The welts may appear with itching, which gets worse upon scratching.

– Dulcamara: This remedy is suitable for hives triggered by exposure to cold air. The welts may be red and appear all over your body, accompanied by excessive itching and needle-like pricking sensations.

– Elaterium: This remedy may be helpful if rubbing your skin improves your hives. You may feel extreme itching, burning, swelling, and stinging pain on the affected portion.

– Rhus Tox: This remedy is helpful for hives triggered by skin contact with water, such as during bathing. The welts may appear with itching, and scratching may cause burning and stitching pain.

– Sulphur: This remedy is accompanied by itching and an intense burning sensation all over your body. Scratching may provide relief, and you may also feel a prickling or crawling sensation on your skin.

“Why suffer? Simply give us a call to let our homeopathy team know your concerns. We will be happy to hear from you and make every effort to help solve your problem. Our doctors will prescribe the necessary medications and we will deliver them straight to your doorstep.”