Chronic Headache

Do you suffer from a headache now and then?
Does your headache disable you in your daily activity?
Do you self medicate yourself?
You need to know all about your chronic headache before you further ignore it

A regular ache in the head which persists longer than 15 days may be termed as a chronic headache. Though the primary cause of the headache is unknown, there are still classified in four major categories i.e. migraine, tension headache, hypnic headache and cluster headache. Apart from primary chronic headache, there may be some other secondary causes like a brain tumour, diseases of blood vessels, traumatic brain vessels, infections etc. So if your headache is causing trouble in your daily activities then you should not deal with it yourself further rather you should take medical help.

cis when the headache is in itself the main problem there is no underlying disease or conditions. So, it is not dangerous, life-threatening or fatal. There are four main subtypes of primary chronic headache

Types of headache


It is one of the most common varieties of headache. It is a throbbing, one-sided headache which may or may not be accompanied by an aura (like visual disturbance, loss of smell, light-headedness etc). There may be gastrointestinal disturbances like nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite. This kind of headache usually gets better by rest. Homoeopathy gives marvellous result in the treatment of migraine where other schools of medicine tag migraine as an incurable disease.

Tension headache

It may coexist with migraine or one may trigger the other. It is also known as “hatband” headache as it localizes around the back of head rounding from the side of the head toward the forehead. It is generally episodic in nature. Emotional stress, long drive, smoking, eye strain, lack of stress, less water intake, poor posture etc are some of the causes of these headaches.

Hypnic headache

This is a rare type of headache which generally occurs at the same time of the day usually at night while sleeping. The symptoms of Hypnic headache are the same as migraine. They are throbbing in character, usually on sides, sensitivity to sound and smell. People suffering from hypnic headache are usually older in age (above 50 years). One should consider talking with a doctor to rule out serious brain disorder

Cluster headache

It used to be a one-sided headache may occur at the middle of the night, accompanied by symptoms such as the stuffy nose, droopy lids, enlarged pupil. It is one of the most painful varieties of headache. There may be a bout of frequent attacks of headache followed by a period of no headache.

Secondary headaches are headaches due to some underlying diseases like Hypertension (high blood pressure), decreased blood circulation, inflammation of membranes around the brain (meningitis), cerebral stroke, high or low Intracranial pressure, brain tumour etc. This kind of headache usually proves itself to be fatal and therefore a medical help is needed to diagnose the headache type

Self-Help & Tips

It tends to follow classic of the following triad
  • Observe those things which trigger your headache and avoid it
  • Do not take too much caffeine
  • Take a proper sleep as lack of sleep aggravates headache.
  • Don’t self-medicate yourself or overdo the medicine.
  • Avoid skipping meals and follow a regular meal pattern
  • Reduce taking stress both physical as well as emotional
  • Exercise regularly

Homoeopathic Treatment

It tends to follow classic of the following triad

The treatment for headache under homoeopathic management has proved to give very good results. Various researches and evidence had justified this. Some of the medicines are Belladona, Bryonia, Gelsemium, Gloininum, Ignatia, Iris versicolor, Natrum muriaticum, Nux vomica, Spigelia, Sanguinaria etc. The list of medicines for headache is endless. But in Let’s homoeopathy, the proper selection done by our medical team chooses the right medication as per your personalized case and can help you in giving complete relief.

  • Erythrodermic psoriasis: Fiery redness with exfoliation of most of the body surface. It is the most serious amongst all type of psoriasis and potentially become life-threatening, because it can lead to severe heat loss (hypothermia), acute deficiency of Albumin (hypoalbuminemia) and often cardiac failure.
  • Psoriatic arthritis: Psoriasis can also present along with an inflammatory type of arthritis known as psoriatic arthritis, which involves various joints of the spine and other limb joints. These leads to restricted joint movement, deformity and at times painful swelling of the affected joints.

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